Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Perfect April Fools

In 1824, a joker spread the rumor* that the dense urban development at the southern tip of Manhattan island was causing the island to sink. Merchants and traders, heavily invested in the contents of warehouses along the dock streets worried* that they could lose all. The joker got financial backing* for his scheme** to saw Manhattan in half, tow the southern portion into the harbor, turn the thing around, and jam it back into place. He paid* dozens of unemployed men to stand around with saws, and then fled with the rest of the money*, claiming that the pressure had been otherwise equalized.

*Or maybe not.

**Possibly apocryphal.

This story has been retold on several occasions since the 1860s and damned if it doesn't get better each time.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

This story has always been a personal favorite!

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I think I've done work for that developer.

fish said...

Told again today.

Substance McGravitas said...

Jeez, I stole that one too.

N__B said...

The classics never die.